Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nike Sasquatch Tour Carry Bag

Dear Unscratchers,

I was looking for a new carry bag and am a big fan of the 14 club dividers on bags.  It seems that the best (maybe only) two carry bags with it are the Sun Mountain Four 5 bag and the Nike Sasquatch Tour Carry bag.  After tons of research, I decided on the Nike bag.  This was actually a bit of a surprise to myself as I have always been a fan of Sun Mountain bags.

The bag sells for about $200 but I found it for $150 and free shipping at Discount Golf World.  The bag showed up VERY fast and in perfect shape.  Never used DGW before but can definitely recommend it.

At any rate, the bag is fantastic.  I love the layout and it is not very heavy.  I am especially please because, while I like Nike, I don't have any interest in carrying a bag that has something like SASQUATCH splashed all over it or something.  This just has a simple swoosh, something I can definitely live with.

I plan to walk with it this weekend if the snow that showed up today disappears (I mean, cmon, it was in the mid 60s last week).

Excellent bag so far, I will keep you posted!

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