Monday, February 15, 2010

Scotty Cameron putters - Studio Select Fastback 1

Dear Unscratchers,
I finally took the plunge and purchased a Scotty Cameron Studio Select Fastback 1 last season.  I have always preferred a blade (in fact, I briefly had an Odyssey 2-ball and hated it - much to the pleasure of my friend who I sold it to for nothing).

It actually really surprised me when I tested them out at my local Golf Galaxy and loved hitting this mid-mallet putter.  It is almost like a hybrid between a blade and mallet.  Well, after gaming it for a few rounds, I started sinking almost everything with it and it hasn't let me down since.

I should also mention that a friend of mine turned me onto Scotty Cameron's Club Cameron.  While you don't need to be a member to have your putter "pimped," I joined and sent my new baby in for paint fill in Gator orange and blue - it even has GATOR BAIT personalized on it.

At any rate, this is a thing of beauty and I'll post some pics of it tomorrow.  Also look out for my upcoming Club Cameron review this week!

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